I’ve been sleeping

Ok, so not literally sleeping, but you know when your in that weird stage of sleep when your dreams seem so real that you wake up? That’s the place I’ve been in. Only I was never really asleep.
I’ve been sad. Depressed. Angry. Mad. Unhappy. Downright miserable at times. But then it’s like I woke up. I snapped out of it. God shook me up. He stirred my soul so deeply that I finally saw who I had become. And I didn’t like it.
But God’s grace runs deep y’all. I can wait to share with you the things that lay ahead for my family.
Tonight is just a short post, but there’s lots more to be told. Thank you for stickin’ with me. Your support means everything!!

Author: PurdyHauteMess

I'm just a girl in the world.

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